Android Multi Tools Wipe Data, Reset User Lock

Android Multi Tools 1.0 and 1.02 (Reset User Lock ,Gmail Lock , Wipe Data & Much More without Flashing Tablets)
download android multi tools for tablet and smartphones.

Note: I have personally test and done a lot of tablets with this tool.This tool only works when "debug mode " is activated on Android tablets. To activate debug mode go to setting,Developers,turn on debug mode.
Update: These tools will also work on some android smartphones on fast boot mode.

Download :
  1. Android Multi Tools_1.0
  2. Android Multi Tools V1.02
This tool works with Allwinner tablets when the "debug mode " will be activated.Turn on the tablet and connect with Multi tools.  Some Times(rare case) you have to turn android tablet in boot mode. Mostly Allwinner android tablets boot mode is same "hold volume down(-) button ,insert usb cable and shortly press power button approx. 10 time (one sec press). A pop up window will comes out and search for drivers. install android drivers .
  • 1-6 commands can be used with the open marriage Debug Mode only.
  • 7-9 can be used with the machine that faithful into Fastboot Mode only.

Commands to operate :
  1. Check Device used to check the connection of the machine mode ADB.
  2. Reset User Lock Code using the tools that are in the data is not lost.
  3. Reset Gesture Lock machines that are used to draw a line through the data is not lost. After the installation is complete, it will fire up. Then draw anything for a closed lock.
  4. Reset GMail using the machine to try to unlock the machine several times to enter to unlock.
  5. Wipe Data used to resolve the symptoms or slow down. Or that an error or some missing.
  6. Reboot to reboot your PC or from adb shell.
  7. Check Device On Fastboot Mode to check the connection of the machine mode FastBoot.
  8. Wipe Data / Cache On Fastboot Mode This command is available only Fastboot Mode to resolve the symptoms or slow down. Or that an error or some missing. That is often found in the CPU Spreadtrum.
  9. Exit Fastboot Mode to reboot your PC or exit FastBoot.
  • Press the number that corresponds to the condition of the machine and then hit enter.
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