BBSAK v1.9.2 Downloads 2015

Download the free fully functional "Nag Screen" version of BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife.
Installation: Make sure BBSAK is installed before installing the a language pack. To install download the language pack of choice, make sure BBSAK is closed and install the language pack. Change Log

BBSAK v1.9.2
  • Added support for multiple devices including 9930, 9850 & 9350
  • OS 7 Support
  • Code completely optimized for speed =)
BBSAK v1.9.1
  • Added Support for: Afrikaans, Croatian, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Turkish, Vietnamese
  • 3rd Party backup no longer includes Docs2Go, as it is included with all OS's
  • Fixed Bug with 64bit Windows, OS selector now works properly
  • Fixed Issue with Dutch Language Pack
BBSAK v1.9
  • Added Multi Language Support
  • Fixed Bug with collapse button
  • More Code Cleanup
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Dari Jabir, ia berkata : Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “(Yang membedakan) antara seseorang dan kekufuran adalah meninggalkan shalat”. [HR. Jama’ah, kecuali Bukhari dan Nasai, dalam Nailul Authar juz 1, hal. 340]