How to Get Free SSL Certificates

SSL itself useful to the users of secure data transmission domain and hosting, such as credit cards, account user name and password, all other sensitive information must be secured to prevent hackers and data theft, where the SSL message is in need.
SSL certificates can not only be applied to secure the data through a single web site but also safe in the email transmission.
With SSL Certificate any data you send will be encrypted and can be coded by truly your own server, so it is in this case will be sure to secure your data from hackers and data theft.

Here's How to install SSL on Indowebsite.

1. Please Login or register here. Please go to the SSL service and then see the details

2. Click the Configure SSL Wizard. Choose Cpanel / WHM (web server Type).

3. For CSR Code We take from Cpanelnya, please login to your cpanel Then click the Manage SSL menu.

4. After Click please can Go to menu :

5. Go to the back area and paste Client Code on CSR In column :

6. Please Select Email Confirmation Code SSLnya.

7. Please check with the selected email inbox example admin @ xxx & nbsp; and click on the email Here then will open a new page and enter Verification code.

8.Please can check on the client area usually wait Approximately 15 Minutes .

9. Please enter the code CRT and CA SSL Cpanel menu manager.

10.Please To Key Go to the menu key on the SSL previous manager.

11. Copy and paste the code KEY On SSL Installation column, then CLICK "Install Certificate”.

12. After Appears Installation Success, then SSL installation is completed.

13. The end.
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