Kies For Samsung Download

Keep Your Device Updated
  • When you connect your phone or tablet to Kies via a USB cable, you will be automatically notified of any available software updates for your device.
Transfer Photos and Videos to Your PC
  • Save those memorable moments and free up space by transferring your photos and videos from your device to Kies.
Master Your Music Library
  • Manage your music with the Kies music library.
Back Up Your Device
  • Back up important content from your device—including contacts, text messages, and more—on your computer, so you can easily restore your content if you ever have to reset your device
Download :
  1. Kies 3
  2. Kies 2.6
  3. Kies 3 for Mac
  4. Kies 3 Support
  5. Kies 2.6 Support
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Dari Jabir, ia berkata : Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “(Yang membedakan) antara seseorang dan kekufuran adalah meninggalkan shalat”. [HR. Jama’ah, kecuali Bukhari dan Nasai, dalam Nailul Authar juz 1, hal. 340]